
Showing posts from 2017

Before Positive Thinking... Understand Yourself

Every one is interested in knowing others instead of knowing himself. That situation become the reason for many problems. If you talk with any  imminent personality you  will definitely realize that "How much we are aware of ourselves and How much we have know about ourselves".  "What is inside us is more important for us to know. Interest in life will originate when we try to know yourself." What, basically, it mean to know ourselves, is that to know your power, your strength, introspection of yourself. It is the state where we can make our life full of happiness, can change worries into happiness, failure into success, can make against in favor. We have seen many people in our daily life, who were and are disturbed, cover themselves under tears... And the Reason is only one :" NEGATIVE THINKING ". Person are themselves responsible for there, this thinking. Important thing is that - attaining proper knowledge, economic skills, Management ski...

Understand your Attitude and Deal with it...!!!

We are living in the world where life is very much influenced by the attitude of a person. It has been seen that we never give time to ourselves to understand " how our attitude, towards the society, is creating our image". In search of basic attitude of an individual, a person, not only, will recognise his weakness but also discover the ways to overcome them and appreciate his strength.       "People may hear your words,                             but they feel your attitude"                                            - John C. Maxwell   If a person feels that the most important person with whom he will ever have to deal is he, himself. That can be done only when he starts understanding himself. We all are in a race, where we are not able to get the time for ourself,.... fo...

How to attain Mental Stability .... ?

If we look back centuries ago, we would find a similarity that is mental stability . But the difference that comes in today's world is to keep a hold over mental stability which our ancestors could do easily. If we Desire to rest both our minds and our bodies, we must possess inner peace. A section of the society is of the opinion that , when body is completely relaxed The Mind cannot think; but experiment and observation proves that it is not always true yet we may be straining to keep ourselves from thinking.  " just as the heart is active even when the body is entirely at rest, so to is the mind" We came across many situations in our day to day life where we got angry or shout on others, specially on those who annoys us and we lose our mental stability. In most of the cases with disturbed mental state Hawa Muscular System gets active and that may lead to "Nag".  As body and mind are connected to each other if something is comely to mind then it wi...