How to attain Mental Stability .... ?

If we look back centuries ago, we would find a similarity that is mental stability. But the difference that comes in today's world is to keep a hold over mental stability which our ancestors could do easily. If we Desire to rest both our minds and our bodies, we must possess inner peace.

A section of the society is of the opinion that , when body is completely relaxed The Mind cannot think; but experiment and observation proves that it is not always true yet we may be straining to keep ourselves from thinking. 

" just as the heart is active even when the body is entirely at rest, so to is the mind"

We came across many situations in our day to day life where we got angry or shout on others, specially on those who annoys us and we lose our mental stability. In most of the cases with disturbed mental state Hawa Muscular System gets active and that may lead to "Nag".  As body and mind are connected to each other if something is comely to mind then it will definitely feel the same for body and vice versa.
In such situations, one has to relax his muscles that will help him to control his mental state , if it is impossible or difficult first to relax his muscles, he may haste relaxation by first calming his mind. 

In any case neuro muscular relaxation can be produced by Calming The Mind or by relaxing the body. when the entire organism is calming at the same time complete stability can be attend more quickly. 

" Do not attempt to shut out all thoughts and become a pure gray blank ; nor try to induce unconsciousness. Merely give yourself the suggestions of becoming calm and letting everything else go while the rest full state alone endures. "

Modern society may find it difficult to keep both mind and muscles calm at the same time due to their laziness but this can be overcome by doing some efforts and by giving attention to their bodies. 
# one can perform yoga as it is believed that yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices that creates a discipline nature in one's life. One can perform various exercise early in the morning to relax is body and mind and can meditate to build a control on its neurone. Initially one must devote last time but increase the duration day by day up to a minimum of 45 minutes in a day to live a mentally stable, disciplined and successful life. 

It is preferred that when everyone is negative towards you then you have to be auto-suggestive. Let me clear it by giving an example- # try to create a picture of yourself as being happy, healthy or whatever you want to be. Just sketch it out and try to give suggestion to yourself or ask as many as questions such as....

How this can be achieved.?
How it works..?? 
How it can be improved..???

 and try to answer all these questions. 
Because  suggestions received from others have no effect on you unless you yourself act upon them. 
This will help you to develop a habit and will surely help everyone to learn to control our mind and body at the same time to remain mentally stable


  1. @vishaltyagi..
    Have u tried anyone of the given solution over you..????/

    1. Solution mention above will definitely help you.. If you would judge your creativity than I must say you can improve it. Remember my point #self suggestive.

  2. It's true sir I will definitely try it.

    1. You just need to do it without worrying about the result and negativity around you.
      It will work surely.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Satisfaction is key to mental stability.


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